Organizational Effectiveness Audits

Changes - in leadership or team membership, in performance, goal or role expectations, or in the competitive environment - can create the need to objectively assess the degree to which structure, talent, policies and practices are aligned with strategy. Meridien's process helps organizations, departments and work units look in the mirror to audit themselves and identify changes that will help enhance effectiveness.

1. Setting Goals
Successful organizational audits are owned and driven by a senior executive sponsor. This requires an investment upfront in time, understanding and commitment to the audit's scope, goals, time frame and measures of success.

2. Identifying the Project Team
Change occurs when a critical mass of people believes it has more to gain than to lose by making a change. One way to facilitate this transition is to involve a few highly regarded members of staff in the audit. People become more committed to the audit recommendations when they know that insiders helped develop them.

3. Gathering Data
Information on the organization's strengths, attitudes, behaviours, processes and ideas for change is gathered through individual interviews, focus groups, management meetings and reviews of existing strategy documentation. Department staff along with internal and external customers and suppliers may be asked to participate. The team, under Meridien's direction, synthesizes this information into a summary of key strengths and issues.

4. Presenting Recommendations
The project team uses ideas provided during the data-gathering process, together with its own insights, to develop recommendations for changes that will increase effectiveness. These are presented to the organization as a proposed roadmap for change.
